The Firearms Freedom and Responsibility Act 0f 2024

<p>This bill is crafted to be a beacon of responsible governance, balancing individual rights with the public good. It seeks to affirm the dignity of the individual, the sanctity of life, and the responsible stewardship of the right to bear arms, with a clear vision of a more secure and united nation under the rule of law.</p> <p>First, the background which gave fervor to the subject, then the Bill.</p> <p>On the morning of January 19th, 2016, under an indifferent clock ticking time away, at 11:49 am, I found myself in an antechamber of power, confronting the systemic apathy that shackles our national conscience. My meeting with Georgia&rsquo;s Senator David Purdue, a tableau of bureaucratic formality, left me in the hands of his assistants. There, I laid bare a proposal, a Gun Control Bill, not crafted from the adversarial fabric that may continue to strangle our needed discourse but one seeking a holistic voice.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>