Tag: Finding

5 Easy Steps to Finding More Time To Read as a Busy Parent

Do you remember when you were 16 and you could read a 300-page book in a weekend? And you devoured the latest novels from Dean Knootz, Christopher Pike, or R.L. Stine. (I know I’m dating myself here with these authors.) Or how your favorite space to be is wandering throu...

Finding Balance: Self-Care for Effective Leadership

In today’s fast-paced and demanding business landscape, corporate leadership is no longer solely defined by the ability to make strategic decisions and drive profit. A holistic approach to leadership is emerging, highlighting the importance of self-care as an essential component of effective (...

House: Finding Self In My First Space

“We may act sophisticated and worldly, but I believe we feel safest when we go inside ourselves and find home, a place where we belong and maybe the only place we really do.” — Letter to My Daughter by Maya Angelou House: A place to make strangers friends. My first home away ...

On finding humans and communities while emigrating

It was not my first time socializing in a new location. I know it is always hard at the beginning, especially for not very young, and/or women*, and/or queer, and/or neurodivergent, and/or non-native English speakers (etc.) — for people who sometimes find themselves to be the only *insert labe...

Finding Love as a Trans Woman

Throughout my life, I have gone through three significant evolutions of fear. My first fear was, as a child, being caught wearing my mother’s clothes. I was. I was unpunished. The second was coming out to my then-wife. I did. I was punished. My current fear is dating. I didn’t date. I...

Finding Joy in Doing What’s Right

As an academic in the field of sustainability, I grapple daily with a profound dilemma, one that — I think — might resonate deeply with many of you. It’s the challenge of knowing that some of my actions, often the ones that bring immediate gratification, can inadvertently harm both...