Finding Joy in Doing What’s Right

<p>As an academic in the field of sustainability, I grapple daily with a profound dilemma, one that &mdash; I think &mdash; might resonate deeply with many of you. It&rsquo;s the challenge of knowing that some of my actions, often the ones that bring immediate gratification, can inadvertently harm both myself and the planet. Whether it&rsquo;s hopping on a plane for a vacation, indulging in the convenience of fast food, or succumbing to the allure of unnecessary purchases, I find myself at a crossroads: to do what&rsquo;s ethically right or to follow the impulse to pursue what simply feels good.</p> <p>At first, this internal struggle was no more than a minor inconvenience, a nagging thought in the back of my mind. But as time wore on, it evolved into something more significant, even overwhelming. It began to cast a shadow over my life, leading to a sense of melancholy. I felt adrift, caught in the mire of a life that seemed devoid of true enjoyment.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Finding Joy