Tag: finally

WCAG 2.2 — It’s finally here

The incredibly long-awaited WCAG 2.2 standards are now the “Proposed Recommendation” for W3C. This is the last type status before becoming the “Recommendation” and thereby being the new official accessibility guidelines for the W3C. It now only requires an official vote by th...

I Finally Became A Person

Do you remember when you first became a person ? Do you remember the moment when you discovered your sense of self ? Do you remember when you started to exist ? I will not lie to you. You have not always existed. You have not always been a person. You have not always had a sense of self. You have...

Chapter 12: The Sun finally comes out

We wake up at Port Willunga only to find that not only has the wind not abated but SA has gone full apocalyptic and there is now thunder and lightning. The only positives are that a tree branch hasn’t crushed us during the night and it is nowhere near as cold as it has been in the past two day...

How I Finally Accepted My Age at 68 — It’s Never Too Late

My journey to self-acceptance began in that senior’s group. Every week I sat and talked with men and women grieving the loss of a spouse, confronting a life-threatening disease, contemplating assisted living, having their driver’s license taken away, or caring for their 90-year-old mo...

I’m Finally Glad I Am Not A Man

When I was seven, my teacher put in a peculiar assignment in literature class. We had to create a poem explaining why it was better to be our gender. In the book, there were two examples. The boys' one and the girls' one. On the boys' side, there were hundreds of skills: “We are...

How a Famous Black Model Finally Got Her Name Back

For more than two centuries, the woman in this famous portrait remained nameless. Although it may not look like it at first glance, this painting is a self-portrait. Do not be confused by its original, demeaning title — Portrait of a Negress. Or by one of the headings under which it&rs...