Tag: Filled

Purpose-Filled Leadership

There is an ongoing cry for better leaders, not only in the workplace but in the world. It’s a cry that has echoed, sometimes to deaf ears, across the ages. It’s a critical message to heed, particularly in eras of chaos. Effective leadership must become the norm, not the exception, in or...

How Redbox Keeps Its Machines Filled

There’s probably a good chance that if you live in the United States that you’ve used or at least seen the Redbox DVD and Blu-ray video rental machines sitting in front of grocery stores, gas stations, and other businesses. This video rental concept first started in Denver, Colorado, ...

Should We Go Back to the Smoke-Filled Room?

Donald Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee for the 2024 presidential election. This is because, in the world’s most prominent democracy, something like one in every 1400 Americans voted for him to be the nominee. Trump has essentially clinched the nomination after the Iowa caucuses,...