Tag: Fighting

Why We Need To Stop Fighting Climate Change

Like all fights against nouns (drugs, terror), the fight against climate change is a category error. Climate change is a natural reaction to artificial growth. Centuries ago, colonizers incarnated human greed as corporations, and these now ruling AI have done what they’re programmed to do, gro...

Three Signs You’re a Spiritual Soldier Fighting a Spiritual War

Have you had a hard time yet haven’t sold your soul? Do you do the right thing, even if you lose out? Do you still feel anger when you witness injustice in this world where no one seems to care about everyone else? Do you still have hope? You are probably a spiritual soldier in the...

Fighting Tyranny With Art

In October last year an anonymous Iranian artist poured red dye into the fountains in Fatemi Square in Tehran to make the pool of water look like blood. Before the authorities had a chance to drain it away images of the red fountains were quickly shared on social media. It was one of the m...

I wanna make a fighting game! A practical guide for beginners — part 8

Hold back to block — a primer in building defensive interactions After a seventh entry completely revolving around offense and — more specifically — how to build a sound combo system, this week we tackle some principle of defense, from an implementation point of view. So, s...

No One Really Asked For a Castlevania Fighting Game, But the Fact We Got One — and a Pretty Good One — Is Wild

So let’s flash back a few years, to around 2005 or 2006 or so. Someone in a Konami board room was probably going, “You know, we need to get Castlevania on the Wii somehow. It’s a beloved franchise, right? And even lower-end games like Castlevania 64 has seen som...

The Tao of Hadouken: What Bruce Lee Can Teach Us About Improving At Fighting Games

Jeet Kune Do was Bruce Lee’s own method-non-method of approaching martial arts. Lee took everything he could from other disciplines and teachers, but refused to emulate them; he was never willing to commit himself to a singular fighting style. Over the course of his life, Lee wrote extens...

Fighting On from Rio de Janeiro

The two of us decided to grab a falafel (yes, there are a bunch of Arabic restaurants in Brasil) during our one hour break before heading back to the school to practice Forró. After some small talk, we discovered that we both graduated the same year from the University of Southern Califo...

SF Is Still Fighting Over a Neighborhood That Hasn’t Existed in 50 Years

That’s because, once upon a time, the area where the downtown convention center now sprawls was a dense neighborhood of poor and working people, and its metamorphosis into today’s business and tourist-friendly district was the result of the mass demolition of thousands of homes in the 19...

Jesus was the Che of his time, and if alive today would be fighting for the Palestinians

It would be difficult to find a more accurate and apt rendering of the current conflict in Gaza than this, if we substitute the Chief of the General Staff of the Israel Defence Forces Rav Aluf Herzi Halevi, for Titus, and the Merkava battle tank for ‘horse’ in the above quote. Just as...

On the Dangers of Fighting Antisemitism

The first quote is from Donald J. Trump, in his Executive Order to “Combat the rise of antisemitism.” The second quote was shared by Mike Pence in his statement at the Fifth World Holocaust Forum. The third quote comes from Pastor John Hagee during a “Night to Honor Israe...

The Future of Fighting for Disability Rights is Underway

The reality for people with disabilities is a life with poorer outcomes than those that live without the need for additional support. As recently as February 2023, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has collected data that shows the barriers these individuals still face in a modern capita...

If Straight Men Wanted to be Happy, They’d be Fighting Misogyny, Too

Far gone are the days when a young man would marry his sweet, home-scientist of a housewife, join his local post office as a clerk with a passing certificate from his high-school and manage to buy a comfortable suburban home in a couple of years. The average man is not earning enough anymore. He is ...

Fighting Patriarchy Is A Man’s Job

I didn’t know you as well before I gave birth to you. I am the middle daughter of three (eventually I gained a stepbrother, but not until adolescence); my formative life in all its fragments was female until there were two shining pieces that shaped themselves as my baby sons. And then two mor...

Cleverman: an Indigenous TV superhero fighting racism and white supremacy

I am not a fan of superhero movies. From what I’ve seen, most of the mainstream superhero genre is orientalist, racist, misogynist, and profoundly white (Dr Strange is an obvious example here, on a number of levels). It seems that a modern superhero is not required to fight the ...

I’ve been fighting demons and the college of Medicine.

I doubt Ben Carson went through a quarter of the stress I’m going through. If he did, he wouldn’t have written eight books, the most popular of which being Gifted Hands, motivating people (excluding me) to attend medical school. I’m a fair person though so I agree whole heartedl...

Fighting Drug Cravings with Marijuana Concentrates

I got clean off the heroin four years ago by moving to a marijuana farm. It wasn’t the first time I quit, but it was the first time the quitting stuck. Having a purpose and unlimited weed for a year after quitting gave me responsibility without needing to get a job. That first year off hard...