Tag: Fake

According To Tech Developers, Computer Loading Bars Are Almost All Fake

Ifyou have ever sat and stared at a loading bar on your phone or in the middle of a video game, you have likely been caught staring at what technology experts call a “benevolent deception.” In a series of studies and analyses that began in 2013, researchers have confirmed that users like...

How To Stop Fake Virus Notifications on Mac OS

In this article, you’ll learn about how Mac OS doesn’t have virusses and how to prevent the notifications that seem to indicate your Mac has a virus. Introduction Apparently, I recently accepted a website’s dialogue that asked for notification access. I suspect this happened ...

Fake Scandal Used to Justify Ban On Transgender Youth Care in Missouri

Last week the state of Missouri officially enacted its ban on gender-affirming care for those under 18, joining over 20 U.S. states that have introduced similar bans. The state has also banned care for transgender adults relying on Medicaid. A committee that confirmed the ban following a legal ch...

The Truth Behind Trump’s Empty Seats and Fake Cheers

Donald Trump’s rallies are a spectacle of lies and deception. The former president, who refuses to accept his defeat in the 2020 election, continues to hold events across the country to spread his baseless claims of fraud and rally his loyal supporters. But behind the scenes, there is a stark ...

My Tryst with Fake News

On a rainy day in April 2023, I grabbed major headlines in a highly circulated media outlet in the U.S. Chinese community. The article title proudly blared in Chinese: The Second Generation: “I Stand On the Shoulders of My Predecessors.” The article accurately depicted...

Was The Great Pyramid Built With Fake Limestone?

The Great Pyramid of Cheops (the Pharoah otherwise known as Khufu) was built at Giza, Egypt, some 4,500 years ago, and was, for thousands of years, the tallest man-made structure in the world at 481 feet high. Most of the structure consists of limestone blocks, with some of the internal material ...