The Truth Behind Trump’s Empty Seats and Fake Cheers

<p>Donald Trump&rsquo;s rallies are a spectacle of lies and deception. The former president, who refuses to accept his defeat in the 2020 election, continues to hold events across the country to spread his baseless claims of fraud and rally his loyal supporters. But behind the scenes, there is a stark contrast between the reality and the image that Trump wants to project.</p> <p>As several reports and videos have shown, Trump&rsquo;s rallies often have many empty seats, despite his claims of having huge crowds. This suggests that Trump is either delusional or dishonest about his popularity, or both. He may be using fake cheers played through speakers to create a false impression of enthusiasm and excitement among his followers, and to drown out any dissenting voices or protests.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Fake cheers