Tag: Fail

Did Second-Wave Feminism Fail GenX Mothers?

I was driving my daughter home from a babysitting job the other day when she started rattling off possible names for her future children: Bella and Vanessa and Clara if she has girls, maybe Gabriel for a boy. “You’ll be a wonderful mother one day, I responded. “If, of course, th...

If You’re Not Receiving The Respect You Deserve, It’s Not Your Fault

I read, implement, pause, give myself a note, implement, pause, reflect, implement, and stop. Because something is terribly wrong. All these articles directly point their finger at me as though I was the central cause of the issue. I have given my courtesy to reflect and took action on what went ...

Trump’s campaign is doomed to fail

Donald Trump is running for president again in 2024, but his campaign is already doomed to fail. That is the opinion of Rick Wilson, a Republican strategist and cofounder of the Lincoln Project, an anti-Trump group, who spoke to Times Radio, a British digital radio station, on Thursday. Wilson, w...

Why Middle-Aged White Men Fail to Recognize Their Privilege

The implicit message in the first two statements is that the playing field is level — unless one is extremely affluent (which is a product of white privilege too — lacking affluence, however, is not the absence of privilege). The implicit message in the third statement is that the pla...

Why Outstanding Professionals Fail and Mediocre Ones Succeed

In the 1980s, the U.S. auto industry faced stiff competition from Toyota, which was producing high-quality cars at lower costs. How was it possible to do more and better while spending less? Many American executives went to Japan to unravel the mystery of the Toyota Production System (TPS). But w...