Tag: Extinction

From Eden to Extinction

The planet is experiencing a catastrophic meltdown, with extreme heatwaves, wildfires, floods, and heat domes spreading globally. The record-breaking changes are not only disrupting wildlife ecosystems, but also impacting human systems, from insurance and banking to healthcare and agriculture. July...

The Devastating Role of Round-Up in Our 6th Extinction Revealed

The E.U. would ban the weed killer Round-Up, acknowledging it has been poisoning our ecosystems for over forty years. Finally, we chose future over profit. We missed that chance. The E.U. decided to give Glyphosate another ten years to spray our planet to oblivion. Hurai, another win...

Caribbean Parrots Are Remnants Of A Millennial Scale Extinction

Before we do a deeper dive into this study, I think it is important to show you a map of the region because, if you are like me, you’re gonna get confused by all the geographic chaos. Several islands that you should make a mental note of on this map are Cuba, Hispaniola, and Puerto Rico. Al...

10 endangered species saved from extinction by zoos

Wildlife is in a fight for survival. The WWF found that there’s been a 58 per cent decline in populations of vertebrates between 1970 and 2012. But despite these shocking statistics, some endangered species are making a comeback thanks to the conservation work of zoos worldwide. H...

Rhino Species At Risk

The threat of extinction is real. Rhinos are under serious pressure that is risking their survival. If all rhinos went extinct, then their habitats would forever be shifting towards decline. All keystone species are pivotal in their role for the eco-system. Rhinos are unique by the way they impac...

The Devastating Role of Round-Up in Our 6th Extinction Revealed

Today, humanity was supposed to rise. The E.U. would ban the weed killer Round-Up, acknowledging it has been poisoning our ecosystems for over forty years. Finally, we chose future over profit. We missed that chance. The E.U. decided to give Glyphosate another ten years to spray o...

The Silence of Extinction

I often say half-seriously and half-jokingly that in my next incarnation I want to be an ornithologist. This ambition brings me a lot of joy, firstly because I can devote myself with more focus and attention to what I set out to do in this life, and that’s no small feat, and secondly because m...