The Silence of Extinction

<p>I often say half-seriously and half-jokingly that in my next incarnation I want to be an ornithologist. This ambition brings me a lot of joy, firstly because I can devote myself with more focus and attention to what I set out to do in this life, and that&rsquo;s no small feat, and secondly because my desire implies that in the next incarnation there will still be ecosystems favourable to the life and proliferation of the air tribes. It&rsquo;s almost like a rebellion, to choose for my hypothetical future an activity that with each passing year is increasingly at risk of ceasing to be relevant. According to figures, from the Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds, the state of bird populations in Europe is terrifying: as of today, one in five species on our continent is under threat of extinction and one in three is in decline.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Extinction