Tag: Explanation

How GPT works: A Metaphoric Explanation of Key, Value, Query in Attention, using a Tale of Potion

The backbone of ChatGPT is the GPT model, which is built using the Transformer architecture. The backbone of Transformer is the Attention mechanism. The hardest concept to grok in Attention for many is Key, Value, and Query. In this post, I will use an analogy of potion to i...

SFT Ambassador Promotion Program-Join to Receive Daily $FIL Airdrop

Staking Order Bonus Voucher This reward is exclusive to Four-Star and Five-Star Ambassadors. When an ambassador achieves a star-level upgrade, such as reaching Four-Star or Five-Star, this bonus voucher is automatically issued and displayed on the staking page. Bonus Voucher Usage Guidelines ...

Why is it colder at higher elevations? A thorough and visual explanation.

The Internet should be a place where we can find good answers to basic scientific questions. Unfortunately, that’s not always easy. Consider the question, “Why is it colder at higher elevations?” It seems like you should be able to Google this and find a straightforward and enli...

The simplest explanation for ultra-high-energy cosmic rays

Earth, whether we like it or not, serves as a cosmic particle detector on a continuous basis. It isn’t just light waves that travel through the Universe, nor is that light merely joined by gravitational waves and ghostly neutrinos. In truth, cosmic particles and antiparticles of all types are ...

Interpreting the Coefficients of a Regression with an Interaction Term: A Detailed Explanation

Adding an interaction term to a linear model — estimated using regression — becomes necessary when the statistical association between a predictor and an outcome depends on the value/level of another predictor. Although adding an interaction term to a model can make it a better fit wi...