Interpreting the Coefficients of a Regression with an Interaction Term: A Detailed Explanation

<p>Adding an interaction term to a linear model &mdash; estimated using regression &mdash; becomes necessary when the statistical association between a predictor and an outcome depends on the value/level of another predictor.</p> <p>Although adding an interaction term to a model can make it a better fit with the data, it simultaneously complicates the interpretation of the coefficients of the predictors.</p> <p>In this article, we explore how to interpret the coefficients of the predictors of a linear model that includes a two-way interaction term (between a continuous predictor and a binary predictor). We want to understand how the interpretation of coefficients differs between a model&nbsp;<em>with an interaction term</em>&nbsp;and a model&nbsp;<em>without an interaction term</em>. We use the statistical software R for estimating the models and visualizing the outcomes.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>