Tag: experiment

Chapter 5- The experiment starts

I work at construction site . And lost my job , so this is my situation right now . I don't remember how i got any of this . Shrinu thinking to himself how he actually got them . 1. When he was fighting against a whole gang as they were harassing a girl . They pushed him out of a 3 storied bu...

The Terrible Experiment

And everything I did to try to improve it made it worse, until I had created a big mess. I wanted to tear it up and start over. I wanted to hide my terrible mess. No one would be the wiser if I just excluded it.If left it out, I would save myself from embarrassment. I saw Asteroid City last night...

Fine-Tuning a Generative Model on My Art: an Experiment with DreamBooth

As an AI Developer and Artist, I’m always thrilled to find new ways of combining and mixing these two realms. Lately, with the introduction of text-to-image models and the exponential growth of the generative AI sector, the possibilities to experiment are almost endless. Integrating AI...

My Simple Travel Self-Experiment and What It Revealed About Me

Last April, I went on my first solo trip and decided to do a self-experiment. I brought a disposable film camera, the Fujifilm Simple Ace, and asked myself: Knowing I only had 27 shots, what would I capture? What things, places, or scenes would I strongly want to hold in my hand? And what wo...

DNA6 — Flow Metrics to supercharge your Agile teams and a Visual Facilitation Experiment

Jose referred to the work of  Daniel Vacanti  and  troy.magennis , and there is further reading and learning from those guys, as well as the Kanban Guide for Scrum Teams of course. On the night, we had some great conversations about how we could use these metrics...

An Experiment

So I’m lying at the corner of Wellington and York with my stuff round me and watching the fucking office workers avert their eyes as they trudge up the street to their 50 storey prisons. Cunts. They think they are so much better than me. They think I’m dirty, a druggie, crazy. They think...

There’s Nothing You Can Do About Climate Change Part 2

There. I can now retire on this monumental achievement and display of scientific, political and economic prowess. Of course, I’m joking but then again I am not. The very simple act of reading this passage so far has contributed to the problems we face but you can’t ‘offset’ t...

The “Surrender Experiment” is An Awful Book

Two people that I eminently respect recommend that I read “The Surrender Experiment” by Michael Singer. I love a good book recommendation, so I was excited to dive in. And what I found was one of the worst, and most dangerous, books I’ve ever read. No, I’m not kidding. And...

The Power of Empathy: A Transformative Social Experiment in Portland

The social experiment began with the creation of four powerful cardboard signs, each bearing a message aimed at challenging preconceived notions and fostering a sense of interconnectedness. The first sign carried the words “We are them,” reminding passersby of our shared humanity and enc...

The Estrogen Experiment

In early December of 2016, I began an experiment. I wanted to find out whether transitioning from male to female would cure my depression. With support from my therapist, I found a doctor and began a regimen of testosterone blockers and estrogen. A month later, blood work showed my levels of both ho...

Physics as a Metaphysical Experiment

I conjecture that there is an inherent relationship between what we know of as scientific experiments and the entire field of science. That is, the entire field of science can be viewed as a single large metaphysical experiment, or a meta-scientific experiment. Read More

Was Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison Experiment an ethical or unethical experiment?

With all the current talk of psychology being “crazy” and experiments being too dangerous, I’m going to inform you of Zimbardo’s Prison Experiment and give you a window into how dangerous experiments were before the APA psychology codes were introduced. My question for the to...

A Simple Thought Experiment Can Tell if Black Lives Really Matter to You

This is a thought experiment in two parts. Here’s the first. It’s 1942, and a small group of Jewish prisoners at Dachau have stolen some surplus weapons from a shed when the guards weren’t looking, and the door was unlocked. They’ve hidden the guns near the outer edg...

Thought Experiment: The Big Bang

The last star in the universe hurled toward the singularity sending its final bit of mass down the rabbit hole to join the trillions of trillions of stars already there. The stars of an entire universe compressed smaller than the size of an atom. Once the final star disappeared beyond the event hori...

Can Cultured Meat Ever Be More Than a Science Experiment?

Ata test kitchen for a startup called Wildtype in the trendy San Francisco neighborhood known as Dogpatch, the saku, or “block” of salmon is visually a stunner. The most striking feature is the white striations between layers of orange flesh that serve as connective tissue. I say &l...

A Psychedelic Experiment and Hiatus

I had never tried a psychedelic in my life. And I wasn’t doing it for the thrill. Copious scientific and anecdotal reports of their potential became too powerful to ignore. Where would I get them? Who would support me? What if something went wrong? It was during the pandemic — I had t...