Tag: Expectations

Managing Expectations

Managing a problem may not be the same thing as solving one. We explore how both mental models can lead to a healthier workplace dynamic and how to manage expectations beset by the manager, whose job is to run a company by setting unreasonable goals and figuring out how to manage the problems they b...

Microsoft | Windows 11 Adoption Surpasses Expectations

Windows 11, the latest operating system from Microsoft, has now reached a major milestone, with over 500 million monthly active devices. This represents a significant increase in adoption since the OS was first released in October 2021. The news comes from a report by Windows Central, which cites...

Mexico City — Expectations vs Reality

The announcement that you are heading to Mexico is often met with curiosity and excitement, but almost always with a tinge of fear and trepidation. Trembling lips quiver the sentiment to “be careful” and “stay safe”. I tried to bat these away with the news that we are traveli...

Young People Don’t Have a Retirement Crisis. They Have a Crisis Of Rigid, Ridiculous Expectations.

The people America really screwed are the old people stuck in the aftermath of their runaway American dream in ill health on low, fixed incomes. Or maybe they bit off more than they could chew in their prime or relative old age. Now they struggle to make ends meet or live a fun, comfortable life. ...

What No One Tells You About Asian Parent Expectations

Remember Amy Chua back in the early 2010s when her controversial book about Tiger Mothers blew up around the world? Chua’s idea that Chinese mothers were superior to Western mothers drew international attention. Some praised her for suggesting that parents should prom...