Young People Don’t Have a Retirement Crisis. They Have a Crisis Of Rigid, Ridiculous Expectations.

<p>The people America really screwed are the old people stuck in the aftermath of their runaway American dream in ill health on low, fixed incomes. Or maybe they bit off more than they could chew in their prime or relative old age. Now they struggle to make ends meet or live a fun, comfortable life.</p> <p>These are the only people &mdash;generally speaking &mdash; I feel bad for as it relates to the conversation we&rsquo;re about to have.</p> <p><strong><em>All else equal, we have a retirement crisis.&nbsp;</em></strong>The numbers &mdash; which I&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">post and riff on</a>&nbsp;frequently &mdash; don&rsquo;t lie. Objectively, most Americans don&rsquo;t have enough cash saved to quit work altogther &mdash; or even scale back &mdash; and head into relative old age on decent, let alone solid, financial footing.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>