Tag: Expect

Don’t Expect To Be Perfect

Ok, so you’re aiming to be the very best at everything. But what if you fail? So long as you tried, that’s all right. Who have you ever met who never failed at anything, however small? You’re allowed to be human, you know. In fact, you’re actively encouraged to be human. D...

Art Can Help Us When We Least Expect It

One of my favorite activities is ripping out images from books and magazines that resonate with me. Sometimes I know why they resonate with me. It’s the expression or the unique illustration style. Other times, I have no idea why. I’m just drawn to it. I typically then arrange my i...

What to expect when you move to Amsterdam!

It has been 6 months since I made the big move to Amsterdam and it has come with a whirl of emotions too. I am still very much in the honeymoon stage, and honestly it has been the best decision of my life, but maybe a little un-prepared for what to expect so maybe this will help you! IT GETS LONE...