Tag: Exodus

The Astrology of Exodus

Exodus is our Jewish’s people’s origin story, the one that transitions the Torah from a family to a nation’s story. We retell it every year at Passover when it’s said to have happened: the Jewish month of Nissan. The astrology of this time frame can reveal another layer. Niss...

“Harmony’s Exodus: Leaving Together in Peace”

Once upon a time in a small village named Serenity, the inhabitants, despite their diverse backgrounds, lived together in peace and harmony. The village was nestled between lush green hills and surrounded by a gentle river that symbolized the unity of its people. One day, a wise elder named Elara...

The Exodus Flag: A Symbol of the Plight of Jewish Displaced Persons

Weiss, a boatswain and carpenter, was one of dozens of American Jewish volunteers aboard the ship that left France in July 1947. It was carrying more than 4,500 Holocaust survivors who sought to immigrate to Palestine in violation of British policy. Jewish philanthropists from Baltimore and Washingt...