Tag: Excel

Python in Excel Will Reshape How Data Analysts Work

As Microsoft said, this is a significant evolution in the analytical capabilities available within Excel. They want to combine the power of Python with the flexibility of Excel. The best of both worlds! With this integration, you can write Python code in Excel cells, create advanced visualization...

Python in Excel Will Reshape How Data Analysts Work

As Microsoft said, this is a significant evolution in the analytical capabilities available within Excel. They want to combine the power of Python with the flexibility of Excel. The best of both worlds! With this integration, you can write Python code in Excel cells, create advanced visualization...

Python in Excel Will Reshape How Data Analysts Work

As Microsoft said, this is a significant evolution in the analytical capabilities available within Excel. They want to combine the power of Python with the flexibility of Excel. The best of both worlds! With this integration, you can write Python code in Excel cells, create advanced visualization...

Free From Limitations: The Validation of Machine Hallucinations at MoMA

Since 1929, the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City has served as an art lover’s mecca. It’s a lighthouse that shines a light on avant-garde paintings and sculptures, and since the definition of “modern art” is continually in flux, its collections are, too. Now, this...

Python Programming in Microsoft Excel

In a groundbreaking collaboration, Anaconda and Microsoft have introduced a game-changing innovation: Python in Excel. This revolutionary integration redefines how both Excel users and Python practitioners approach data analysis and brings a new level of accessibility to adv...

Predictive Modeling for Future Stock Prices in Python: A Step-by-Step Guide

Predictive modeling plays a crucial role in the world of finance, especially when it comes to making informed decisions in the stock market. In this article, I will walk you through the process of building a model for predicting stock prices using Python. We will cover data manipulation, fetching st...

Microsoft Announced Python In Excel. I knew it!

I knew it! We have Python in Excel! As you may recall, if you’re subscribed to my articles, a year ago I was reporting that: As a Python programmer you have to remember when four years ago Microsoft was considering to introduce Python as a scripting language for Excel &mdas...

3 Ways You can Excel in Multiple Things

In today’s world, technology has brought us to a standpoint where nothing is exclusive or singular. Globalization has made the world come together, so one thing is not enough anymore. We see leading actresses launching their own fashion and beauty brand. So many sportsmen are either investing ...

How to read excel file using databricks

Are you looking to extract valuable insights from your Excel data using Databricks? You’ve come to the right place! Databricks, a cloud-based analytics platform, allows data professionals to process and analyze data efficiently. In this short technical blog, we’ll walk you through the st...

The Excel Experience (so far)

Some people apply to Birthright Israel Excel with a vision. Some are committed to the internship (the long hours, the to-do lists, the meetings) and some to the community (the discussions, the laughter, the network). And the rest? They’re like me. I had no idea what I was looking for when I...

Solving Transportation Problems in Excel Solver

We will right through the study case implemented on Excel Solver. For a general introduction to transportation problems, you can look back here. We are using the same study case from last time. Study Case You are a Supply Chain Senior Manager hired for The Great Apple Farm Company (GA...

C#/VB.NET - How to Change Font Name, Style, Color and Size in Excel

Method 1: Download Free Spire.XLS and unzip the package somewhere on your disk to find the “BIN” folder. Free Spire.XLS has the DLLs compiled for multiple versions of .NET Framework as well as for .NET Core and other platforms. Choose the DLLs from the folder that you exactly n...