Tag: Especially

Why You Should Ask Questions in Meetings (Especially Video Calls)

Meetings can be a great way to share information, collaborate on projects, and make decisions. However, they can also be a waste of time if people are not actively engaged. One of the best ways to stay engaged in a meeting is to ask questions. Here are some of the benefits of asking questions...

Letters from San Francisco

There’s lots to see within the Bay Area especially from the perspective of a student of transit. Apart from the usual buses and heavy rail, there’s also the world-famous cable cars. There are even trolleybuses, what they call BRT, and streetcars stopping in the middle of the road! The...

Why Writers Will Always Be Valuable To Society. Especially In The Age of AI.

The arrival of AI to the world of writing has sparked a wide range of reactions. Some view it as a gimmick, while others view it with outright concern. But there is something we all need to understand: writing, at its core, is about the expression of human thoughts, emotions, and&n...

Never Wear Other People’s Old Clothes, Especially in Middle Age

“Everyone may have worn other people’s clothes.” When I was young, my family wasn’t well-off, so clothes always came from all directions. Every time I received clothes, I was happy. They might not be the style or fabric I liked, but they were clean or new. It wasn&rs...