Why You Should Ask Questions in Meetings (Especially Video Calls)
<p>Meetings can be a great way to share information, collaborate on projects, and make decisions. However, they can also be a waste of time if people are not actively engaged. One of the best ways to stay engaged in a meeting is to ask questions.</p>
<p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:512/0*eTeOMbV9GXilblAZ" style="height:512px; width:512px" /></p>
<p>Here are some of the benefits of asking questions in meetings:</p>
<li><strong>You get the information you need.</strong> If you don’t understand something, asking a question is the best way to get clarification. This will help you to be more productive and avoid making mistakes.</li>
<li><strong>You contribute to the discussion.</strong> When you ask questions, you are showing that you are engaged and interested in the topic. This can help to keep the discussion moving forward and make it more productive.</li>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/@ftiebe/why-you-should-ask-questions-in-meetings-especially-video-calls-a88bbcbea8c"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>