Tag: Equation

Solving 2D Heat Equation Numerically using Python

When I was in college studying physics a few years ago, I remember there was a task to solve heat equation analytically for some simple problems. In the next semester we learned about numerical methods to solve some partial differential equations (PDEs) in general. It’s really interesting to s...

Let’s Derive The Catenary Equation With Calculus

You can see this shape everywhere in the world and in nature. From spiderwebs to overhead powerlines. The catenary looks very much like a parabola. And it wasn’t until the 17th century that Galileo Galilei recognized that the catenary is “only an approximate parabola.” He wasn&r...

Multiple-Group Analysis in Structural Equation Modeling

Multiple-group analysis (MGA) is a statistical technique that allows researchers to investigate differences across subpopulations, or demographic segments, by enabling specification of structural equations models (SEMs) with group-specific estimates or with equal estima...