Solving 2D Heat Equation Numerically using Python
<p>When I was in college studying physics a few years ago, I remember there was a task to solve heat equation analytically for some simple problems. In the next semester we learned about numerical methods to solve some partial differential equations (PDEs) in general. It’s really interesting to see how we could solve them numerically and visualize the solutions as a heat map, and it’s really cool (pun intended). I also remember, in the previous semester we learned C programming language, so it was natural for us to solve PDEs numerically using C although some students were struggling with C and not with solving the PDE itself. If I had known how to code in Python back then, I would’ve used it instead of C (I am not saying C is bad though). Here, I am going to show how we can solve 2D heat equation numerically and see how easy it is to “translate” the equations into Python code.</p>
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