Tag: environmental

What Can We Do?

After the global environmental conference met in Glasgow I’m wondering what can I do, and I’m wondering if you’re asking yourself the same question? Our planet needs us more than ever! When I became aware of the imminent global crisis — the result of industry’s unham...

Issue 104: Environmental Crimes

The long arm of the law has about as much reach as a penguin when it comes to environmental protection. And while crime-fighting penguins are undoubtedly a cute idea, the general lack of strong regulations and enforcement mechanisms is a major reason why we’re in this climate mess in the first...

The Role of Individuals in Environmental Protection

The environment is a shared resource that sustains all life on Earth. Its health and stability are essential for the well-being of present and future generations. While governments, organizations, and policymakers play crucial roles in environmental protection, the actions of individuals also have a...

The voice of the indigenous peoples of the world on the planetary environmental emergency

Those of us who express and sign the content of this document are descendants of the first peoples and nations that creation has left under the laws of nature to take care of the earth, which is the home of humanity. We are the historical guardians of life that manifests in water, plants, fauna, for...

Beyond Recycling — Strategies for Comprehensive Environmental Sustainability

Recycling is a well-known thread in the large tapestry of environmental conservation, but sustainability involves much more than just recycling. It’s an intricate mosaic made of several tactics, ranging from personal decisions to international endeavors. Together, we will explore holistic meas...

Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability:

Climate Change: The burning of fossil fuels and other human activities have led to a rapid increase in greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. This is causing the Earth’s average temperature to rise, which is disrupting weather patterns, melting glaciers and polar ice caps, and leadin...

Environmental protection vs. Hindu religious freedoms: how do we distinguish this properly?

Every year on Diwali, there are large campaigns against firecrackers. This always sparks a debate; though fireworks are very commonly used in Europe during New Years Eve, Guy Fawkes, and across the world — specifically it is only Hindu festivals which are targeted from both a societal and stat...

The voice of the indigenous peoples of the world on the planetary environmental emergency

Those of us who express and sign the content of this document are descendants of the first peoples and nations that creation has left under the laws of nature to take care of the earth, which is the home of humanity. We are the historical guardians of life that manifests in water, plants, fauna, for...

Environmental Activism: On the Front Lines

From conspiracy theorists to oil-dependent energy giants, environmental degradation and exploitation range from a non-existent practice to a necessary evil, in order to meet our needs. In contrast, however, the evidence and testimonies of scientists, environmental groups, and indigenous communiti...

How Environmental DNA Research Contributes to Biodiversity Conservation

Biodiversity is currently being threatened as many species are going extinct. This is critical because our health relies on biodiversity (further reading: Why Biodiversity is Important for Our Health). That is why we must change our current habits to live more environmentally friendly and engag...

Exploring the Wisdom of “A Sand County Almanac”: A Journey through Aldo Leopold’s Environmental Masterpiece

Aldo Leopold: The Author and his Background Before delving into the depths of “A Sand County Almanac,” it is crucial to understand the author behind this environmental masterpiece. Aldo Leopold was a pioneering figure in the field of conservation, advocating for the responsible use of...

Museums and Environmental Challenges

Museums, sanctuaries of culture and history, face a growing challenge: the ever-present threat of environmental problems. While tasked with preserving the past, they must now also navigate a future shaped by climate change, pollution, and resource scarcity. This article explores the ways environment...

The Contributions of AI to Environmental Conservation

The conservation movement aims to safeguard endangered species and ensure the maintenance of biodiversity. AI-operated equipment like camera traps and acoustic sensors are in sheer use these days to detect wildlife populations which is more effective. Any machine learning algorithm can analyze massi...