The voice of the indigenous peoples of the world on the planetary environmental emergency

<p>Those of us who express and sign the content of this document are descendants of the first peoples and nations that creation has left under the laws of nature to take care of the earth, which is the home of humanity. We are the historical guardians of life that manifests in water, plants, fauna, forests, mountains, moorlands, snow-capped mountains, oceans, glaciers, mangroves, beaches, wetlands, and every living form that represents a cell of the existing cosmic order.</p> <p>Since time immemorial, our ancestors understood the codes of nature, its laws, and its teachings, so that each people from every place of origin, according to traditions, totems, spiritualities, and knowledge, could exercise governance over life. This is the inheritance that ancestral wisdom has left us, which we still preserve, and for this reason, we feel the duty to express to the United Nations and the states, so that, in the face of today&rsquo;s environmental emergency, we may be heard from their consciousness.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>