Tag: Ensemble

Chalk’s Ensemble | Züs Weekly Debrief — August 30, 2023

Mainnet Update and Meet Chalk’s Ensemble Happy Wednesday! Quick update on Mainnet: Our Loadtest, DDoS, and Chaos tests are currently passing. However, there are some minor errors we need to address concerning app integrations. Our team is currently in the process of rerunning these. Next, w...

Using Multi-Task and Ensemble Learning to Predict Alzheimer’s Cognitive Functioning

In one of my previous articles, I detailed my experience of transitioning into machine learning from cognitive science and the imposter syndrome that taunted me. In that article, I mentioned: “An idea began to slowly unravel — perhaps, my background [in cognitive science] provi...

ML Concept Ensemble Learning I — Bagging & Random Forest

This article aims to examine the fundamental concepts of Ensemble Learning, a subset of machine learning methods that have gained widespread use worldwide. We will also introduce the common types of Ensemble Learning. However, due to the diverse nature of Ensemble Learning, we will break down the ...

Using Multi-Task and Ensemble Learning to Predict Alzheimer’s Cognitive Functioning

In this article, I’ll share a concrete example of when my cognitive science background enabled me to 1) develop innovative modeling approaches for a disorder that holds personal significance for me in the field of neuroscience and 2) forge unique connections that are often overlooked in conven...