Tag: Engine

Unity Engine is Dead… The Game Dev Industry is Suffering

If you come in and say “Unity” to game developers, many of them have a reflex action to faint these days. The reason is not that it has advanced quality similar to Unreal Engine, It’s because they decided to kill themselves… Along with every other smaller game developers. ...

Unreal Engine for Indie Game Developers: Making Game Development Accessible

Unreal Engine is a fantastic tool for indie game developers. While it’s famous for big games like “Fortnite,” it’s also perfect for smaller teams with big ideas. In this article, we’ll see how Unreal Engine helps indie devs create awesome games. Why Unreal Engine ...

Building the Unreal Metaverse: Crafting Virtual Realities with Unreal Engine

The concept of the metaverse has taken the world by storm, promising a digital universe where users can interact, socialize, work, and play. Unreal Engine, one of the most powerful and versatile game development engines, has embraced this vision with its latest iteration, Unreal Engine 5.3. In this ...

Creating a Game in 48 hours with a Custom WebGL Engine

Last weekend was the 54th edition of Ludum Dare, a game jam where you have to develop a game in 48 hours for a given theme. In the Compo variant, you have to work alone and create everything during the event; no existing assets are allowed, and no AI generators either. This was my 15th succe...

Using Named Re-Route Declaration Nodes in Materials (Unreal Engine 5)

This is a very quick article about using re-route declaration nodes in Unreal Engine when creating materials that I think will help some folks avoid spaghetti when creating their materials! First off, what is a named re-route declaration node? Well, starting with Unreal Engine 4.27 and continuing...

Why I Chose Google Firebase as My Server Solution for Unreal Engine 5

So, long story short — I am working on an online multiplayer RPG game on Unreal Engine 5, and I chose Google’s Firebase for the server solution instead of the traditional Unreal headless server. But why? Well, before diving deeper into the why, I need to establish conte...

2D Fighter Maker 2002 — Eulogy to a dinosaur engine that refuses to die

Making a fighting game is not easy, for a variety of reasons that range from making them completely deterministic, to underestimating their complexity, to the amount of graphical assets needed, to the balancing and fine tuning required to produce something worth playing. So, it’s natural that ...

Database Content Engine via Docker 2/2

7. Build Multiple Teams An important feature in software development is to build role-based teams so each of them can login and access APIs in own domain. Let’s build two teams, cust for customers and empl for employees: cust: authenticated by column pair {conta...

Terraform — Provision Google Kubernetes Engine(GKE) Cluster

In this article, we are talking about How we can provision Google Kubernetes Engine(GKE) Cluster with terraform script. Terraform — Provision Google Kubernetes Engine(GKE) Cluster Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) is a powerful managed Kubernetes service provided by Google Cloud Platfor...

Unraveling the Secrets of Your Vehicle’s ECU: A Deep Dive into Engine Control Units

A solace module in a vehicle is normally an electronic control unit (ECU) that is liable for overseeing different solace related highlights and works in the vehicle. These modules can shift contingent upon the make and model of the vehicle, however they frequently control elements, for example,...

Scientists succeed in stopping cancer engine fueling 75% of tumors

The MYC protein plays an essential role in the transcription process that occurs within cells. This process involves the transformation of genetic information from DNA to RNA, which is then converted into proteins. The activity of MYC is strictly controlled in cells that are considered normal. MYC, ...

Everything is Possible: The Perpetual Motion Engine in Snowpiercer

Of the many fascinating topics you can discuss when it comes to the movie Snowpiercer, one of the most widely mentioned subjects is the Eternal Engine. It’s described as a perpetual motion machine. In the movie, how the Eternal Engine works isn’t explained, the only idea communicated to ...