Tag: Enduring

Our Enduring Bond: Why Preserving Human Connection Matters in the Age of AI

We’re witnesses in a live show where computers can predict our choices and machines can perform tasks we once deemed exclusively human. With the speed at which this is moving, I can’t help but ask, “Is there still a place for genuine human connection amidst algorithms? At o...

The Enduring Controversy Around Carl Jung

I received an interesting email from a reader following my last newsletter on Active Imagination. The reader thanked me for sharing my journey but said, “this should be noted and faced.” He linked to an article about Sabina Spielrein, one of Carl Jung’s famous patients wi...

The Enduring Power of Jewish Jokes

The date was December 4th, 1996. I was ten years old. The Macarena was all the rage, with its viral dance routine and wildly inappropriate lyrics that our parents had no ability to Google. And on our basement TV — convex screen and all — I was witnessing something even more thrilling and...

Cameroon: A Country Pursuing Gender Equality Beneath the Shadow of Advancement and Enduring Difficulties

Tucked away in the centre and west of Africa, the country of Cameroon is teeming with various cultures, lively activity, and a convoluted web of women’s rights. Even if there has been unquestionable progress in recent years, there are still areas of darkness that create long shadows of difficu...

Enduring Voices, Sacred Lands: The Resilience and Wisdom of the World’s Oldest Living Culture

Under the vast, indigo sky stretching infinitely over Australia’s arid heart, time moves to an ancient rhythm, echoing through the aeons. The land here breathes with the life force of the world’s oldest living culture, a lineage of knowledge, tradition, and resilience that predates the p...

How humanity’s most enduring calendar failed us all

Galileo died on January 8, 1642, and on Christmas Day of that same year, Isaac Newton was born. Back in 1616, two extremely famous playwrights (among their other literary endeavors), Miguel de Cervantes and William Shakespeare, died just one day apart: April 22 for Cervantes, and April 23 for Shakes...

Euclid’s Enduring Influence on Geometry

Euclid is an English name that means “renowned and glorious”, which is certainly a reflection of his personality and character. He was an acclaimed mathematician, born in Alexandria, Egypt around 365 B.C., and was known as the founding father of geometry. His insightful understanding was...

Unheard Voices in the Depths of BC's Enduring Public Health Emergency

In the sprawling landscape of British Columbia's public health crisis, there exists a silence more deafening than the roar of the epidemic itself. Behind the curtains of indifference, thousands of lives are engulfed by the merciless grip of addiction, while a society plagued by stigma and inacti...

The Enduring Enigma of Stonehenge

A Monument Frozen in Time Imagine a landscape dominated by towering stones, aligned in perfect harmony with the heavens. This is the essence of Stonehenge. The monument, composed of massive megaliths arranged in a circular pattern, is a testament to the remarkable engineering prowess of its build...