Cameroon: A Country Pursuing Gender Equality Beneath the Shadow of Advancement and Enduring Difficulties

<p>Tucked away in the centre and west of Africa, the country of Cameroon is teeming with various cultures, lively activity, and a convoluted web of women&rsquo;s rights. Even if there has been unquestionable progress in recent years, there are still areas of darkness that create long shadows of difficulties that impede the movement towards full gender equality.</p> <p><strong>Sunshine of Hope:</strong></p> <p>As they ascent up the political ranks, Cameroonian women have broken through gender stereotypes and now hold over 33% of the country&rsquo;s parliamentary seats. With women now actively shaping the future of the country rather than just being spectators, there has been a significant transformation in the political environment, as evidenced by this rise in involvement. Let me use the words of the first ever female parliamentarian in Cameroon<em>;</em></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>