Tag: Element

How to Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array

The Problem With this article, I will be covering the Find First and Last Position of an Element in a Sorted Array problem. Leetcode describes the problem with the following: Given an array of integers nums sorted in non-decreasing order, find the starting and ending positi...

The Element of Surprise — Ursula The Faerie

Okay, so discard, right now, any ideas you have about what the word magic means. Just get rid of it all because magic like anything else on your world has tradition and dogma connected to it depending on who you talk to and what methods you use and what book you’re reading, and we don’t ...

How to Discover an Element

How do you perform an experiment on a substance that is essentially unobservable — it is formless, has no taste or smell, and is invisible? An experiment for such a substance may not be so tough for a modern scientist to envision, but it’s damn near impossible for a 17th century aspiring...

Carbon: An Element of Life

Carbon is an element of life. We, humans, use carbon so much that we can’t think of living without carbon and its compounds. Carbon is an element formed in stars during a process called “Nucleosynthesis”. This is the process by which smaller nuclei fuse together to form larger n...

Where did the different chemical elements come from?

When hydrogen in the core of a star is exhausted, the star begins to contract and heat up as a result. If the star’s mass is insufficient, it will simply shed its outer layers of material, leaving only a core consisting of helium (a helium white dwarf). Still, if the star’s mass is large...

Considering the Human Element of Professional Sports

Professional athletes are human beings, too, and the uncertainty of their careers can have a real impact on their personal lives. A fact that many of us have chosen to overlook ESPN has an online tool that has become a bit of a cult classic among basketball fans. It is called the NBA Tra...