The Element of Surprise — Ursula The Faerie

<p>Okay, so discard, right now, any ideas you have about what the word magic means. Just get rid of it all because magic like anything else on your world has tradition and dogma connected to it depending on who you talk to and what methods you use and what book you&rsquo;re reading, and we don&rsquo;t want you to play with magic in this way. We want you to be much freer and genuine to yourself and who you are, not just in this moment in time, but every moment in time, which means whatever magic you do, and create and use for yourself today, you may find this changing as the weeks and months and years go by, and that&rsquo;s as it should be. You&rsquo;re constantly in a state of change.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>