Tag: Earthquake

Shaken to the Core: Morocco’s Earthquake Ordeal

In the quiet of night, beneath the veil of dreams, Morocco was jolted awake by a sinister visitor - an earthquake. It was a visitor that brought terror and uncertainty to the land. Imagine, if you will, lying in your bed, lost in the realm of dreams, when suddenly the very earth beneath you quivers ...

Aid Campaign Launched in Istanbul to Help Moroccan Earthquake Victims

In a heartwarming display of international solidarity, an aid campaign has been initiated in Istanbul, Turkey, to provide support and relief to the victims of a recent earthquake in Morocco. This humanitarian effort exemplifies the power of compassion and cooperation in times of crisis. The ...

1985 Mexico City Earthquake

An earthquake is a vibration caused by the sudden release of energy within the Earth’s crust. Most earthquakes are very small, and people may only feel a slight trembling under their feet (Spilsbury 2004). Large earthquakes can transform huge areas of land in an instant (Spilsbury 20...

Evidence Suggests Earthquake Lights Are Real

Nothing amazes or surprises me more than Nature. Global warming is intensifying and increasing climatic events worldwide — that’s not an opinion. It’s a fact. In the process, we’re living witnesses to some of the most dramatic environmental events in modern his...

The earth hasn’t stopped shaking for women: Haiti earthquake 14 years later

On January 12, 2010, a devastating earthquake in Haiti killed nearly 300,000 people. In 35 seconds. I arrived a few days later. Today marks 14 years since that unforgettable day. “It was 4:50pm. One doesn’t forget the time of such things,” a young woman named Carine told me. &ld...

Remembering The Gorkha Earthquake

If you want to break it in two, you will need to exert a certain amount of effort. This effort is translated into energy, and the energy that you exert on the two ends of the stick will be carried into the stick. When the energy you are transmitting becomes too high for the stick to withstand,...

Everything We Need is On the Ground: Earthquake-Generated Electricity?

The massive scale of supertyphoons, violent volcanic eruptions or mega earthquakes are a slap to the face that much of the world is beyond humanity’s control. So, to even imagine these threatening natural phenomena be the one to power our communities? Talk about a force of nature. ...