Everything We Need is On the Ground: Earthquake-Generated Electricity?

<p>The massive scale of supertyphoons, violent volcanic eruptions or mega earthquakes are a slap to the face that much of the world is beyond humanity&rsquo;s control. So, to even imagine these threatening natural phenomena be the one to power our communities? Talk about a&nbsp;<em>force</em>&nbsp;of nature.</p> <p>Years ago, this might have been the stuff of science fiction, but from a recent paper published just this year by the E3S Web of Conferences entitled&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;Energy harvesting from seismic waves for electricity production&rdquo;</strong><em>,&nbsp;</em>Felipe D&iacute;az-Mora and Andr&eacute;s Gonz&aacute;lez-Fallas<strong>&nbsp;</strong>of the Universidad Latina de Costa Rica School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering were able to design a generator capable of harvesting energy from an earthquakes&rsquo; seismic waves to produce electricity.</p> <p><a href="https://upgeosoc.medium.com/everything-we-need-is-on-the-ground-earthquake-generated-electricity-33628c8c0b8c"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>