Tag: Dumb

Dumb Enough to Think She Was Smart Enough to Get Away with Stealing

She wasn’t a teenager. She had teens of her own. Two daughters who went to a private Catholic school. They were a well-respected family in their community. We worked together at a government-run provincial liquor store in Canada. She was the manager’s favourite employee and always pra...

dumb dumb movie

I need to numb my brain with a mindless movie, something that doesn’t require me to think very much at all… entertainment that isn’t demanding on my attention because my noggin is a little weak right now — my body is using the resources to repair itself… he...

Embodying a Map: A Review of “DUMB TYPE|2022: remap”

Dumb Type, a Japanese art collective organized in 1984, presented 2022: remap, a modified version of its recent work 2022 (2022) which came to be shown at the 59th Venice Biennale. 2022: remap is the installation that comprises some devices for processing light, sound, laser...

Dumb ways to die

What’s a dumb way to die? An example is the saga around legacy ez-link and Flashpay cards on transit, with the public yelling bloody murder over being forced to transition to the account-based SimplyGo ticketing system. It started from a small thing like not being able to see card values and f...

Talking Yourself Into a Relapse

I had been a daily drinker for years, but like many “high-functioning” alcoholics, I had mostly managed to keep my habit relegated to the nights. I’d get through the workdays completely sober, but I’d always stop to buy a pack of beer on the way home, and I’d be drunk b...