Tag: Dollars

5 Short Indie Games that Made Way Over a Million Dollars

A list of five recent short-form games that made huge gains for their small teams. Indie games are a viable business for developers who are willing to pour their heart into a concept. But a concept isn’t enough; it takes hard work on content, art, grit to keep going, and a solid marketing s...

Why The U.S. Dollar’s Reserve Currency Status Is Safe

The net effect is that demand for USD and USD denominated assets are significantly boosted by reserve currency status — if the reserve currency is the world’s de facto store of value then sovereign bonds issued by the owner of that reserve currency become the world’s de facto risk ...

Five Formulas for Getting Rich from 100 Dollars to a Million

In the eighth to the tenth weeks, determine the barbecue and craft beer projects, find suppliers, barbecue chefs, and rent a restaurant location. In the eleventh to twelfth weeks, urgently prepare to participate in the local rib festival, strive for a top position, and expand the influence of one...

How to Flip 50 Dollars (9 GREAT Methods!)

Arrived also offers real estate flipping opportunities, where you can invest in a property that needs some work, fix it up, and sell it for a profit. This is a great way to make money in real estate without the long-term commitment of owning a rental property. Investing in real estate with Arrive...

“Why Are There Suddenly So Many Trans People?”

Chris Tyson appears in most of the videos in Mr. Beast’s channel. Mr. Beast (Jimmy Donaldson) is the world’s biggest YouTube star. He and his friends stream their video game play and commentary, perform funny pranks and stunts, and give away thousands of dollars to strangers, someti...

Brokers In the Freight Industry Are Robbing Americans And Truck Drivers Out Of Billions Of Dollars A Year

This screenshot is an example of what happens in trucking America every single day. Fraudulent billing practices like this lead to massive freight rate increases, massive wage theft, and is one of the primary causes of the shipping crisis in America. If you think 2021 was bad, 2022 is going to be fa...

23 & Me Sells All DNA Assets To Chinese Government in 10 Billion Dollar Deal

Salt Lake City, UT — In a groundbreaking move that has sent shockwaves through the biotech industry, 23 & Me, the leading personal genomics and biotechnology company, has officially announced the sale of its entire DNA database to the Chinese government for an astonishing 10 billion d...

I Made Hundreds of Dollars Playing Mobile Games. It Wasn’t Worth It.

In December, I stumbled upon the proposition that I could make money playing mobile games, a scenario I would have dreamed about as a kid. I found a website called InboxDollars that gave offers that if I reached certain levels of mobile games, I could earn hundreds of dollars. It seemed...