Tag: Django

Why Django is the Future of Web Development: An Ex-Google Engineer’s Perspective

Unlock the future of web development with Django: insights and expert analysis from an ex-Google engineer. Greetings, fellow coders and tech enthusiasts! My name is Builescu Daniel, and my journey has taken me from the high-paced, cutting-edge environment of Google to becoming an expert in Python...

Django-Database relationship(MySQL configuration)

While developing a website ,we need to store app data and user information in a safe and secure place and it should be easily accessible by the webapp so that the data can be stored and retrieved at a faster rate and the user can experience a smooth web service.Speaking about the data,wher...


Django is a popular web framework written in Python that simplifies the development of web applications. You can check out django documentation here to get to understand the basic concepts and how it works here: Django The web framework for perfectionists with deadlines. docs.djangoproject....

Understanding args and kwargs in Python with an Additional Django Example

When I started learning Python, I was very confused regarding what args, kwargs, * and ** does. And I feel there are many like me who had this confusion and problem. With this post, I intend to reduce (hopefully I can eliminate) that confusion. In Python or any o...

How to generate and fix programming code with WatsonX in Django

Hello everyone, today we are going to create a CodeBot with watsonx.ai. We are going to build a simple Django Application where we can generate programming code from a prompt. We are interested in generating and fixing codes for different prog...

Dockerizing Django Application Gunicorn and Nginx(Django on Docker)

A step-by-step tutorial on dockerising a Django application with Postgres database using Gunicorn and Nginx. This blog assumes that you have some familiarity with Django and likely have a local Django development project, and looking at how to deploy the project in production. We&rs...

Deploying a Django Application with Docker, Nginx, and Certbot

Deploying a Django application with Docker, Nginx, and Certbot is a robust and secure way to make your application available on the internet. Docker ensures containerization, Nginx acts as a reverse proxy for your Django app, and Certbot provides SSL certificates for secure connections. In this guid...