Django-Database relationship(MySQL configuration)

<p>While developing a website ,we need to store app data and user information in a safe and secure place and it should be easily accessible by the webapp so that the&nbsp;<strong><em>data can be stored and retrieved</em></strong>&nbsp;at a faster rate and the user can experience a smooth web service.Speaking about the data,where will be the data stored?How can a connection be established between a data storage area and the webapp?How can the web app perform&nbsp;<strong><em>read and write operation</em></strong>&nbsp;on a remote database?You can find the answers for all the above questions in this informative blog.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*6B30WpvaMQEcI_rJ.png" style="height:200px; width:400px" /></p> <p>Django is a powerful web develepment framework and robust web apps can be developed using Django.Talking about data,Data will be stored in the databases snd we should make necessary&nbsp;<strong><em>configurations with the remote database</em></strong>&nbsp;and webapp to store and retrieve data for app functionalities.Fortunately,we have Django and we have&nbsp;<strong><em> in the main project folder&nbsp;</em></strong>to store configuration information of the webapp.Lets see how to configure and make queries from Django.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>