Tag: Divorce

7 Things I’ve Learned About Self-Care During My Divorce

During my long and abusive divorce sleep deprivation, stress, and duress were a part of my daily life. It became a vicious cycle. The more stressed I was the less I could sleep. My family and friends voiced their concerns. I was equally as worried. But the divorce abuse my husband was infli...

I Wish Someone Had Taught Me About Divorce When I Got Married

“Everyone knows that about divorce,” says my sister. “No,” I say. “That’s the problem. Not everyone knows that. We know nothing about divorce until we enter into it. Worse, we initiate or experience divorce during one of our most emotionally vulnerable period...

Geography of a Divorce

It’s fire season in southern California. I’m a month shy of 56, and regret is a fist in my gut. The imbalance of power between my husband and me is a sick thrill ride, and I don’t know how to get off. Maybe if I vomit someone will pull the lever. This morning my husband and I ar...

Divorce Writing

That’s the opening sentence of this short essay. My anecdotal beginning. My lede. Does it strike interest? What do I follow this sentence with? Can I follow with a pithy story, a narrative of mourning, a phoenix like rise from the ashes of disappointment and despair? A narrative of overcoming ...

Jesus’ Teachings on Christian Divorce

Greetings, dear readers. As a Christian, I have often turned to the scriptures to seek guidance on the complexities of human relationships, particularly marriage. In this reflection, I aim to explore one of the most poignant and transformative aspects of Jesus’ teachings: His stance on&nbsp...

Amy Grant’s Divorce From Hell

There was talk of them being secretly married. “I guess people are so anxious to have some news that they kind of create news where there necessarily isn’t any,” she clarified. But the religion’s sex-shaming was in full gear. Amy Grant was now widely proclaimed throug...

Tackling the 10 Toughest Divorce Questions

Divorce. The D-word. It’s like the unwelcome guest that just won’t leave your party. But hey, I’ve been there, done that, and got the emotional scars to prove it. So, let’s dive into the ten toughest questions about divorce, and I’ll sprinkle some personal wisdom along ...

The Advice One Woman Gave Me About Divorce Should Be a Warning to Everyone

I whistle for my chocolate lab Hazel and connect her leash. We head down our long driveway. Hazel pulls with excitement. I take in the beauty that surrounds me. Our home is nestled deep within a two-acre wooded lot. It’s on an equally gorgeous rural street. We make it only a few steps...

Woman’s right of divorce (Khul)

It is important to note that the Prophet does not use the term khul and it is probably used as a legal term by later jurists. This is confirmed by Ahmad’s transmission of this hadith in which Ahmad Ibn Hanbal himself adds that this was ‘the first khul’ in Islam (Musnad Ahmad, musna...

AI Legaltech: My Lifeline Through Pro Se Divorce Hell

AI legaltech is like the ‘Easy Button’ from Staples, but for law. One click and suddenly, you’re not totally screwed. Hey, it’s DubG from Mom Versus The World, and let me tell you, pro se divorce is like navigating a maze blindfolded with your hands tied behind your back. But...