I Wish Someone Had Taught Me About Divorce When I Got Married

<blockquote> <p>&ldquo;Everyone knows that about divorce,&rdquo; says my sister.</p> <p>&ldquo;No,&rdquo; I say. &ldquo;That&rsquo;s the problem. Not everyone knows that. We know nothing about divorce until we enter into it. Worse, we initiate or experience divorce during one of our most emotionally vulnerable periods. A time in our lives when we are severely reduced.&rdquo;</p> </blockquote> <p>In my sister&rsquo;s defense, she had quite the education in divorce while watching me experience an overly long and abusive one. She is one of the people who are well-versed on the topic.</p> <p>I grieved the end of my marriage in the years before I ended it.</p> <p><strong>I thought I was completely prepared for a divorce.</strong></p> <p><em>I had heard the divorce war stories of others.</em></p> <p>But I wasn&rsquo;t really listening. Not to the important parts. It was more about being shocked that one human being would do that to another. Let alone two people who once vowed to love one another for life.</p> <p><em>It was about thinking someone inadvertently married and divorced an As*hole.</em></p> <p>It wasn&rsquo;t about the crucial stuff.</p> <p><strong>The things no one ever taught me about divorce.</strong></p> <p><a href="https://colleenorme.medium.com/i-wish-someone-had-taught-me-about-divorce-when-i-got-married-e272c20479cf">Click Here</a></p>