Tag: Divided

The Divided States of America

The country is split right down the middle. Biden and the Democrats are hoping that convicting Trump for the events of January 6, 2020, will discredit him in the eyes of Americans. It doesn’t look like this is working. Trump is being very smart. His political instincts are very sure. He ...

Welcome to The Divided States of America

I’ve been theorizing for a while now that the United States of America is never going to be united again. I feel that a name change and some logistics may be in order. The Divided States of America seems more accurate and realistic here in 2024. It’s sad to think of your country as be...

Welcome to The Divided States of America

I’ve been theorizing for a while now that the United States of America is never going to be united again. I feel that a name change and some logistics may be in order. The Divided States of America seems more accurate and realistic here in 2024. It’s sad to think of your country as be...

Celebrating MLK Day in a Divided America

This year, news coverage of the MLK Jr. Day holiday proved even more widely varied and incendiary than in previous years. From musings on “Why So Few MLK Day Sales?” (Thomas Buckley, Substack: “Does the Holiday’s Somber Tone Limit the Message?”) to Vice President Kam...

Celebrating MLK Day in a Divided America

This year, news coverage of the MLK Jr. Day holiday proved even more widely varied and incendiary than in previous years. From musings on “Why So Few MLK Day Sales?” (Thomas Buckley, Substack: “Does the Holiday’s Somber Tone Limit the Message?”) to Vice President Kam...

A House Divided: Gun Control as a Divisive Issue Among Individuals Living with Gun Owners

However, such an anomaly is exactly what can be found with one of the most salient current issues: gun control. Gun ownership status can be broken into three groups: gun owners, non-gun owners, and non-gun owners that live in a home with a gun owner. As expected, non-gun owners overwhelmingly suppor...