A House Divided: Gun Control as a Divisive Issue Among Individuals Living with Gun Owners

<p>However, such an anomaly is exactly what can be found with one of the most salient current issues: gun control. Gun ownership status can be broken into three groups: gun owners, non-gun owners, and non-gun owners that live in a home with a gun owner. As expected, non-gun owners overwhelmingly support gun control reform more than gun owners on average. While this makes intuitive sense, it is less obvious where the third group &mdash; Household Owns &mdash; would stand on gun control reform. Since everyone in this group lives with a gun owner and given that homes are typically aligned on political views, you may guess that this group would oppose gun control reform at a similar rate to gun owners. However, recent data from the 2022 Cooperative Election Study (CES) indicates that&nbsp;<strong>the Household Owns group actually holds views on gun control reform that are much more similar to those of non-gun owners.</strong></p> <p><a href="https://tufts-pol.medium.com/a-house-divided-gun-control-as-a-divisive-issue-among-individuals-living-with-gun-owners-11012e8908b3"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: House Divided