Tag: disease

Sleep disorders and Alzheimer’s disease

Of course, everyone knows about this neurodegenerative disease, in which the following occur sequentially: loss of short-term memory, and after progression — disturbances in the formation of long-term memory, then difficulties arise in thinking and speech production, which are the subsequent c...

Have You Undergone Knee Replacement Surgery? Beware of Particle Disease

The average age of a patient who gets knee replacement surgery in the United States is around 65 years old. That puts most boomers right in the crosshairs of this surgery. Approximately 790,000 total knee replacements are performed in the U.S. each year. At 71, I’ve enjo...

How I See With Stargardt’s Disease

I have a rare genetic eye disease called Stargardt’s Disease which has damaged my retina to the point where my visual acuity is poor enough that I am now legally blind. Many people upon learning that you’re legally blind assume that you are not able to see at all, which is far from the c...

Rebelling Against Disease

What feelings or thoughts rise up in you when you reflect on these words FREEDOM, REBELLION, and FUN? What makes you feel free? What do you need to rebel against and do in your own way in order to experience more freedom and fun? I believe our health and well-being are foundational prioriti...

A New Gene Editing Technique Has Treated Its First Human Disease

Doctors are taking the first steps towards solving a massive source of disease that, until now, has seemed out of reach. Our genes, the instructions inside of our cells that dictate how each one of us works, why each one of us is unique, have been untouchable — until now. Britain’s me...

Methylation and Demethylation: A Deep Dive into Their Roles in Health and Disease

Methylation and demethylation are critical epigenetic processes that regulate gene expression without altering the DNA sequence. These mechanisms are essential for normal development, cellular differentiation, and the maintenance of genomic stability. However, when dysregulated, they can contribute ...

Advancements in Heart Disease Treatment (Coronary Artery Disease)

CAD is one of the most prominent heart diseases all over the globe, and a symptom of this disease can be a myocardial infarction, otherwise known as a heart attack. CAD begins to develop once a plaque that is built up of cholesterol takes over the walls of the arteries, which have the purpose of sup...

Could a single drug treat the two leading causes of death in the US: cancer and cardiovascular disease?

What would you guess are the two biggest killers in the world? Based on media coverage, maybe you guessed gun violence, accidents or COVID-19. But the top two killers are actually cardiovascular disease and cancer. These two diseases combined account for nearly 50% of deaths in the U.S. Card...

The neglected science of Huntington’s disease in women

Huntington’s disease (HD) is like a life-or-death coin toss — every child of an affected parent has a 50% chance of inheriting the genetic mutation that leads to the neurodegenerative disease and progressive breakdown of nerve cells in the brain. In the U.S., approximately 30,000 peop...

Solving the Cause of Parkinson’s Disease, As An Academic in This Field

For my Master’s degree in Science (by research), my thesis was on Parkinson’s disease (PD), where I studied its disease mechanism and potential treatments in lab-grown neurons. Naturally, I knew a fair bit about PD in general from my 2–3 years of master’s research. ...

The Viral Origin of Alzheimer’s Disease Remains Undecoded. But What We’ve Seen So Far Is Worrying.

When I was a third-year undergraduate student, one of my neurobiology assignments was writing a literature review. As I scoured the literature for a compelling issue to write about, I came across the uncanny link between herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the mos...

New Hope on the Horizon: A Deeper Look at IPX203 and its Potential to Transform Parkinson’s Disease Treatment

As researchers continue working tirelessly to develop more advanced therapeutics for Parkinson’s disease, positive announcements of new treatment options on the horizon offer inspiration to communities affected by this condition. A recent licensing deal expands access to IPX203, an investigati...