Tag: Discrimination

Ableism and Discrimination

Ableism and discrimination still exist in 2024. For those who don’t know about ableism, ableism refers to discrimination or prejudice against individuals with disabilities, often resulting in the marginalisation, or exclusion of people based on their physical or cognitive abilities. Discrim...

Negotiating and settling your discrimination claim

You can never be sure that you will win — there is always a chance that you could go to tribunal and lose. Accepting less than you might get at tribunal avoids this risk. If the outcome is uncertain, for example your employer has a defence which a tribunal could accept, then you certainly woul...

Starting a discrimination claim: Completing the ET1

Acas is an independent body with several roles. One of its roles is to try to get you and your employer to reach a settlement about your dispute, before you make your claim or, if you have already made your claim, before it reaches the hearing stage. Conciliation is a process through which Acas a...

How does discrimination affect people’s lives?

Discrimination can significantly impact people’s lives in the short and long term. This can be seen in their physical and mental health, economic prospects, interpersonal connections, and overall happiness. Some of the specific ways that discrimination can affect people’s lives include: ...

Recognizing the Standard Discrimination in Datasets

Much of the public discourse about tech originally focused on how the outcomes of tech tools, e.g., software, affected people. Then, the conversation turned to algorithms and how they are designed to be exclusionary. Now, we’re having more conscious discussions about the data, both input and o...

Part Two: Chronotype Discrimination and its Consequences

American culture worships early birds. They get the worms, and everybody else gets the leftovers. There’s no end to the articles talking about how waking up early makes you more productive, healthier, and happier. Many of these articles even seem to imply that early birds are morally...

In the ever-evolving landscape of the workplace, the specter of discrimination continues to loom…

In the ever-evolving landscape of the workplace, the specter of discrimination continues to loom, casting shadows on the ideals of equality and inclusivity. Despite strides towards progress, discrimination in the workplace persists as a present-day issue, challenging the notion that it’s a rel...

Where Discrimination is Still Okay

Credentialism. It’s an old term, dating back to the 1970s. By strict definition, it is defined by Oxford as “reliance on formal credentials (particularly examination certificates) to make selection decisions.” It may be better known to the rest of us as “the way society opera...

Introducing ‘ANVAY’, Setting the Stage for an Unprecedented Global Dialogue on Harassment & Discrimination

The aim of the dialogue is to create awareness around laws, rights, and remedies available, normalize conversations around ‘taboo’ topics, drive towards the inclusion of all irrespective of one’s gender, sexuality, disability, etc., see the performance of our laws so far, what we c...

Discrimination Because Of Sexual Orientation.

I was talking to a young person today who works in a setting with children. She is bisexual, and she was really upset. She had applied for a job working with vulnerable young people who were rebuilding their lives and learning to live independently after trauma or being in ...

Everything you need to know about the Chestnut Hill College discrimination case

The drama unfolded after a theatrical performance of “A Raisin in the Sun,” orchestrated by a senior classman in 2012. Student Allan-Michael Meads, scheduled to graduate in May of 2012, collaborated with the African American Awareness Society to produce the event. Meads financed the proj...

Language Discrimination Inside the Classroom

As a foreigner learning the Spanish language, I have had my own experiences with linguistic discrimination, from seemingly innocent remarks, to downright discriminating other varieties of a certain language, by deeming them “vulgar” or “of bad taste”. With this said, the inte...