Tag: Dimensions

Hamilton, Chandrasekhar, and Dublin: Regularized Fermion Degeneracy in High Dimensions

The Irish mathematical tradition is steeped in an adoration of historicity. However, this tradition is also superbly compatible with the demands of modern mathematical practice. Trinity College, Dublin, is the most influential Irish educational institution and is a prime alternative to Oxbridge in r...

You’ve Been Brainwashed Into Ignoring Four Dimensions of Mindfulness

Is what you’re doing beneficial to you in the long run, or a mindless habit like endless scrolling? Simply following the physicality of your breath can act as the rope you need to stabilize and habituate you into this current of knowing. We ground ourselves in presence here, rather than ...

The Three Dimensions of Inclusive Design: Part One **

It is not a set of static structures that assist in engineering a solution, because the complex adaptive system that is our current society is a domain where solutions can no longer be engineered but approaches must be grown, and investment in a fix for some creates greater barriers for others. The ...

Navigating New Dimensions: My First Experience in an Open Relationship

Embarking on the journey of an open relationship can be both exhilarating and daunting. As someone who recently experienced my first sexual encounter outside my primary relationship with Sarah, I find it crucial to share how this step has influenced our emotional connection. Far from diminis...

Working with the Spiritual Dimensions of Water

One can learn much about the physical and spiritual health an ecosystem by looking at the local water. Water is sensitive to and retains information it gathers. As a medicine person or spirit worker of your local place, getting to know and learning to listen to your local waters are important par...

Visualizing Higher Dimensions

This blog has offered some recent musings on the dynamics of high dimensions, particularly those aspects related to the loss manifold of a neural network, which in modern practice have begun to be implemented with parameterizations in the billions. The descriptive evaluation of most high dimensional...

The Higher Dimensions Series — Part Four: The Probability Theory Connection

Welcome to Part Four of the Higher Dimensions Series, where we explore some of the strange and delightful curiosities of higher dimensional space. Currently, I have completed Parts One, Two, Three, Four, and Five, with hopefully more to come. If you have not already done so, I en...