Tag: Died

The Old World Just Died. Here’s How to Build a New One.

First there was Brexit. Then there was Trump. Then there was the rise of the far right across the globe, from America to India to China to Russia to even Italy, Sweden, Finland. And now we’re watching the world burn and doing, well, far too little to stop it. The old world just died. Did yo...

The Old World Just Died. Here’s How to Build a New One.

First there was Brexit. Then there was Trump. Then there was the rise of the far right across the globe, from America to India to China to Russia to even Italy, Sweden, Finland. And now we’re watching the world burn and doing, well, far too little to stop it. The old world just died. Did yo...

The Day My Sister Died Three Times Because of Me

This is the most painful piece of memory I have. It has been penetrating my mind since 1996. I can’t blame this trauma on generational inheritance or narcissistic abuse. This was something fresh, tailor-made for me — something of my doing alone. If I believed in Karma — and I te...

My Father Said These Two Words to Me Right Before He Died

I snatch the car keys and make my way to the front door. It’s the beginning of my senior year and I’m anxious to get to an all-important high school party. Life is good. I grab the door handle to exit our living room. I’m startled by my Mother who’s arriving home. ...

The Five Times I Almost Died In Thailand

Thailand has everything a man like me could ever want. Great food, fabulous people, and the occasional brush with death just to remind you what it feels like to be alive. I have been there dozens of times over the past sixteen years and each time I go something new happens to me that makes me stop a...

Who Died and Made Him Christ?

As long as I’ve been following Jesus, I’ve had huge issues with Paul of Tarsus, also known as Paul the Apostle. The problems started when I noticed that just about every church I have participated in has quoted Paul more than Jesus. Which, for a religion named after Jesus Christ,...

What was it like when the very first stars died?

The cosmic story that gave rise to us is a story rife with creation and destruction. At the start of the hot Big Bang, energetic particles, antiparticles, and quanta of radiation were created. Fractions-of-a-second later, most of the particle-antiparticle pairs had annihilated away. Protons and neut...

What was it like when the very first stars died?

The cosmic story that gave rise to us is a story rife with creation and destruction. At the start of the hot Big Bang, energetic particles, antiparticles, and quanta of radiation were created. Fractions-of-a-second later, most of the particle-antiparticle pairs had annihilated away. Protons and neut...

When Veronica Died, I Finally Came to Life

Veronica and I met when I was about 16 years old. She was beautiful, sassy, funny, loud, and the life of the party. She was everything I was not. I was chubby, struggled with body image issues, and had bigger boobs than all my friends. Naturally, that’s the first thing teenage boys saw i...