Tag: Detections

Implementing Lane Detection in CARLA using LaneNet

I have been working on road lane detection using LaneNet by Tensorflow 2.x for the past two months. In the beginning, I chose to build a road lane detection program by using the Canny Edge method utilizing the contrast feature of images as the base of the detection method. T...

Copilot on the phone: Obstacle and Lane detection in a handset.

Neel turned back to point out the tablet to his daughter. The family of three were driving down to the coast for the long weekend. “I got it, what do you want me to write in reply?” asked his daughter Pia from the rear seat. “Could you read out what he wrote?” Neel asked back...

Vehicle Detection and Tracking From a Front-Face Camera

In order to detect vehicles — or any other objects — we need to know what differentiates them from the rest of the image captured by the camera. Colors and gradients are good differentiators but the most important features will depend on the appearance of the objects. Color alone as a...