Copilot on the phone: Obstacle and Lane detection in a handset.

<p>Neel turned back to point out the tablet to his daughter. The family of three were driving down to the coast for the long weekend. &ldquo;I got it, what do you want me to write in reply?&rdquo; asked his daughter Pia from the rear seat. &ldquo;Could you read out what he wrote?&rdquo; Neel asked back. Their hatchback was traveling at about 40 mph. Neel glanced into the rearview mirror to look at Pia. In a momentary lapse of attention, he did not spot that the SUV 5 seconds in front braking hard.</p> <p>His phone mounted onto the windscreen had an app recording from the front camera. It monitored the vehicles real-time. Just as Neel was looking into the mirror the 3-second threshold was breached and the phone let out a warning beep, just as Pia shouted &ldquo;Dad watch out&rdquo;.</p> <p><strong>Read More</strong></p>