Tag: Destroy

These Six Mindsets Can Destroy Your Business in Oh, So Many Ways

The 6 Worst Mindsets a Creative Photographer Can Have Regarding Their Art and Business Creativity and business might seem worlds apart for many photographers. After all, the pure artistic expression of photography is often thought to be free from the constraints of business. But if you’r...

Eric Adams Is Correct ~ Migrant Crisis Will Destroy NYC

Let me tell you something New Yorkers, never in my life have I had a problem that I did not see an ending to…’ said Mayor Adams in remarks about the influx of tens of thousands of migrants bused to New York having crossed the southern border earlier this year. He’s right, econo...

Addicted to Being Addicted: Shots to the Soul that Destroy Dreams and Compromise the Future

Before the outbreak of the pandemic, I was on the threshold of great financial success; 2020 promised to be the year my business would reach the million-dollar milestone. However, COVID-19 took more than my financial expectations; it stole my emotional and mental balance as well. During the nine mon...

The Fastest Way To Destroy Any Relationship

“You should have done that earlier”, “Why did you do that?”, “If you hadn’t done that, this wouldn’t have happened” Words, sentences are just so easy to utter. One breath is all it takes. The bad thing about this is once our words leave our mouths, ...

“In order to reinvent the novel as a form, Joyce had first to destroy it”

Through Joyce’s deconstruction of the novel, a new landscape of language and images unfold. Ulysses by Joyce is the embodiment of vulgarity, insanity, and gibberish. Yet amidst this lies thought, word images, and writing so intriguing it is impossible to comprehend it. Joyce created ...

Why Right-Wing Governors Destroy Education

What if your race had known only tragedy throughout America’s history? What if your people had been enslaved, murdered, persecuted and denied their civil rights? And what if, instead of owning up to having inflicted such outrages, showing remorse, asking forgiveness, and making amends, those r...

Water Doesn’t Destroy Magnets — But They Can Be Demagnetized

It’s no surprise that Donald Trump just says stuff to try and make a point. For him, it doesn’t matter if it’s true or not but just that it fits with his current theme. In this case, the idea was that the military was wasting money on new technology. In particular, the Electro...

The Buddha’s Last Words Before Awakening Will Make You Uncomfortable (And Destroy Your Laziness)

Who told you that meditation is all about ‘doing nothing’ or merely accepting the way things are manifesting? Sure, you need to be doing a lot less than what your labeling, neurotic mind is used to. And you must accept reality for what it is. But how can that be all? If you try ...