Addicted to Being Addicted: Shots to the Soul that Destroy Dreams and Compromise the Future

<p>Before the outbreak of the pandemic, I was on the threshold of great financial success; 2020 promised to be the year my business would reach the million-dollar milestone. However, COVID-19 took more than my financial expectations; it stole my emotional and mental balance as well. During the nine months of confinement I experienced in Spain, I fell into a downward spiral. Social networks, TV series, and vices became my temporary escapes, filling the gap left by my failures and isolation. But this challenging period made me realize a crucial truth: my downfall was not due to a lack of ambition, but a lack of preparation and core values. This epiphany led me to recognize the importance of a balanced and conscious education in areas beyond the merely financial. Today, I am on a path of constant learning, not only in how to accumulate wealth, but also in how to cultivate my well-being and sense of purpose.</p> <h2>Addicts in the Digital Age: Beyond Substances, the New Frontier of Addiction</h2> <p>Today we face a complex set of challenges as a society, and among the most insidious is addiction. This unconscious drive repeatedly pushes us toward addictive experiences that go beyond narcotics or alcohol.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>