Tag: Depression

Can Capitalism Solve Depression and Apathy? Yes, Of Course!

Are you one of the victims in this epidemic of sad and exhausted people? Does the sound of a clacking keyboard and the ping of notifications cause you needless panic? Do you, a dozen times a day, wish you could escape to the middle of a rainforest, build a cabin there, make tea, read Victorian liter...

How Diet Alters Brain Chemistry to Cause (or Battle) Depression

After he was born in 2020, Oliver’s doctors told his mother that he had a metabolic disorder that would damage his brain — and later in life, he was at risk for depression. The way depression develops in people with this genetic change — a deficit in specific brain chemicals &mdash...

Hooked: How Common Obsessions Can Lead to Depression

Gregory is an intelligent and kind young man in his mid-20s. At age 16, he dropped out of school. He still lives with his mother. Suffering from anxiety and depression, he has worked a smattering of entry-level, part-time jobs…none lasting more than a few months. Gregory’s main preoc...

Is It Depression or is It the Menopause?

Many women hit midlife and run into a wall of low mood, brain fog, anxiety and overwhelm, not to mention fatigue and joint pain, just as their periods are stopping and their life stressors such as sulky teenagers, aging parents and changing physicality are ramping up. Common complaints in midlife in...

Special Report: The United States of Depression

Depression is the №1 mental health challenge in the United States, tearing people apart in every corner of the country and every demographic group. It is also widely misunderstood, often stigmatized, and frequently not diagnosed or treated properly. Wise & Well writers — physic...

When Depression Turns Deadly: Society, Suicide and Transgender People

Like other healthcare professionals, I’m trained to think about the worst-case scenario: What’s the most dangerous thing that could be going on with this person? We also have to think about who’s in front of us, and how likely a given problem is for people like them. The top concer...

Alcoholism and Depression Often Coexist and Fuel One Another

The first time I really became aware of the deep connection between alcoholism and depression was when my father first went into detox back in 2007. I watched him spiral into a person who could barely talk, barely function and clearly couldn’t make healthy decisions for his well-being. I knew ...

How psilocybin, the psychedelic in mushrooms, may rewire the brain to ease depression, anxiety and more

Depression and anxiety are among the most common and debilitating mental health conditions in the world. According to the World Health Organization, more than 264 million people suffer from depression globally, and nearly 800,000 people die by suicide every year. Anxiety disorders affect about 284 m...

Magic mushrooms cured my 27+ years of suicidal depression.

Today is my 38th birthday. A little over 18 years ago, I attempted suicide. I’ve wanted to kill myself since I was 11. Seven month ago, I had my first psilocybin trip. An emotional dam burst, and as difficult as it was, it was rewarding beyond my wildest dreams. For the first time in my ...

Scrolling to Depression? How Social Media is Secretly Ruining Your Mental Health!

Like most people, I found myself drawn to the social media world early on. I enjoyed connecting with friends, discovering new communities, and staying informed about current events. However, over time, I began to notice a shift within myself. The innocent scrolling sessions morphed into a habitual n...

‘In Bed With Victoria’ shows how ordinary depression can look like

There’s a scene right in the middle of Justine Triet’s In Bed With Victoria that changes everything we’ve seen before and defines everything we’re about to see. The titular Victoria (masterfully portrayed by Virginie Efira) is laying down in bed, smiling while one o...

20 days of winning the depression.

When I say depression it means anything that we are struggling with constantly and mainly that refers to bad habits and abuse of substances as they are the main culprit to induce depression in us. So what I want to say is that suppose one has been struggling for two years. He would have surely ma...

TW: Depression

Imagine yourself sitting at the beach, staring into the nothingness of the vast, endless ocean. You experience this sudden surge of emotions that is scary and overwhelming, both at the same time. In the deafening silence, all you can hear are your thoughts screaming and the laps of waves against the...